how mutually intelligible are spanish and portuguese

Surprising "mutual intelligibility" (or lack thereof ... I mean, English & Dutch are very similar in many respects & an educated Brit could probably make a good guess at a story in a Dutch newspaper, but when those Dutch guys open their mouths, woah ¡! The common everyday language of the street and of the home is not intelligible across the entire Arab world. I have a very strange experience with this. I’m a native Portuguese and Italian speaker (my dad is Italian, and I was raised in Brazil). I also spe... - This 90% similarity in written forms between the languages means that often many of the words are very similar in written form, with perhaps a vowel added in As of 2010, Spanish became one of two mandatory options in all public and private Brazilian high schools. Bulgarian and Macedonian. Portuguese and Spanish (and Galician, Asturian, Aragonese, Catalan, and at least some varieties of Occitan) are more or less mutually intelligible in written form, at least to educated speakers. Tsferreira 11:16, 16 February 2006 (UTC) [] To add to the last comment, I (Native Spanish speaker) agree 100% that French is not mutually intelligible with Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese. If you move further than that, Portuguese is also quite close to the other West Iberian Romance languages, which include Spanish, Asturian, Leonese, Extremaduran, Mirandese, and Cantabrian.This little branch of the Romance family is pretty tight and all of its members are very close to each other. Portuguese is often mutually intelligible with Spanish despite differences in phonology, grammar, and vocabulary. There are over 800 million people in the world who speak at least one romance language. Although they have a millennium or so of their own literary, lexical, grammati-cal, phonological and orthographic traditions behind them, the two languages are often held to be understandable to speakers of the other one. This is the case with Spanish and Portuguese; Portuguese speakers typically find it easier to understand Spanish than Spanish speakers find it to understand Portuguese. Mutual I've heard that Spanish and Portuguese are something like 91% mutually intelligible. Are Estonian and Finnish as mutually intelligible as ... Portuguese and Spanish are different enough to be considered separate languages, but they have nonetheless a similar grammar and lexicon that makes them closely related and, to a great extent, mutually intelligible. Comparison of Portuguese and Spanish - Wikipedia Dialects or registers of one language sometimes considered separate languages 1. A study examining native Spanish-speaking college students' comprehension of Portuguese, and Portuguese-speaking students' comprehension of Spanish found that the two languages were mutually intelligible at a 50 to 60 percent level. In this episode, we explore how Latin transformed from a single, widely dispersed language into a series - French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, and so on - of related but no longer mutually intelligible tongues. Are Papiamento and Portuguese mutually intelligible? What is Portuguese? (with pictures) In other words, on paper, the two languages look very similar and speakers of either language can generally read the other language without too much struggle. How different is Galician from Spanish? - This is thoroughly answered here. Spanish is mutually intelligible with Portuguese allowing Brazilians and Hispanics to understand, to a considerable extent, both languages without prior study. Answer (1 of 15): No. expand_more Quando as examino no meu laboratório este mapa de cores mostra tudo o que é inteligível. I am a native Spanish speaker and in my experience, speakers of those languages can understand each other to some extent since they all come from V... At the colloquial or vernacular level, differences in pronunciation and vocabulary and to a Spanish and European Portuguese are mutually intelligible to a certain degree. James Santiago said: James said: BTW, strictly speaking, different dialects are mutually unintelligible, so it would actually be different accents. Spoken Spanish and Portuguese are less mutually intelligible than their written forms. It's often said to an extent Spanish & Italian are mutually intelligible. Spanish and Portuguese are basically the same language when written, with some different vocabulary. Among these, Portuguese and Spanish qualify, especially among educated speakers. Also helps that I live 5 miles from the Mexican border. In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is recognized as a relationship between languages in which speakers of different but related languages can readily understand each other without intentional study or extraordinary effort. Similarities between Spanish and Italian: Spanish and Italian are mutually intelligible to various … The aspect that differs the most between these languages is their pronunciation. At the time I had neglected my Spanish for a while, but I liked to think that it was still there when I needed it. In this episode of Romance languages comparison, we’re going to answer this question. As a native English speaker this is an interesting concept, because there really are no languages close enough to English to just listen and understand. Which languages are not mutually intelligible? simple syllable structure CVC and a common lexis (Blasco Ferrer 1996). The Iberian Peninsula is where A quick Google says Portuguese and Spanish have an 89% vocab overlap, so … There has been renewed interest in Portuguese-speaking countries to learn Spanish, and the similarities between the two languages have made this a fairly easy transition. As an Italian speaker I’ve always felt like Spanish is the easier language to learn for us Italians. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and don’t miss another article on An Italian with a high level of instruction can understand 70% of a text in Spanish and also in Portuguese, but when Portuguese is spoken an Italia... Mutual intelligibility between related languages has always been a linguistic fascination for me. Galician is more or less mutually intelligible with … ... Portuguese and Spanish language cultures should have some compatibility too, Dutch and German language cultures the same, slavic cultures… etc I am a native Spanish speaker. Nearly 20 years ago, I went to Italy on vacation for two weeks. To prepare for my trip, I took Italian lessons for a... French is not mutually intelligible with Portuguese, Spanish or Italian. Portuguese is somewhat mutually intelligible with Spanish, and in general, Portuguese speakers have an easier time understanding Spanish speakers than vise versa. The cardinal numbers are very similar between Portuguese and Spanish. Portuguese grammar is only slightly different from Spanish so pretty easy, some differences in vocab but that's just memorization, but it's really the array of sounds that make Portuguese tricky at first. European portuguese speaker here: Yes and no. Galician is a Romance language spoken by about 2.4 million people (in 2012) mainly in Galicia, in the north-west corner of Spain. People who speak Portuguese and Spanish are able to communicate, each one speaking their own language, and I once witnessed a discussion between an Italian and a Spanish flight attendant. In other words, on paper, the two languages look very similar and speakers of either language can generally read the other language without too much struggle. I don't think that's correct. However, of all the Romance languages, Spanish is the closest to Portuguese. The most commonly used terms are almost the same, “agua”, “sol”, “comer”, “bonito”, “desculpa”,... The conjugation system follows the same logic and declinations. I would say that Portuguese and Spanish are more mutually intelligible than Spanish and Italian, and Portuguese and Galician take the number one spot in this regard. Meanwhile, “Romanian is another world.” Romanian Spanish - Portuguese, German - Luxembourgish , English - Scots and son on: there are a lot of languages we can define as mutually intelligible (with different degrees of intelligibility). Bring up this number to 100% with our professional Spanish to Portuguese translation services and deliver your message like a local. intelligible - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Though less mutually intelligible, there are more languages that fall into this family as well. The Iberian Peninsula is where Portuguese and Spanish were 'born' (if languages can be born) and it is also the main reason why Portuguese and Spanish are. How are French and Spanish similar? This means that it is easier for speakers of one language to understand the other than for speakers of the second language to understand the first. On the Mutual Intelligibility of Spanish and Portuguese. >> It's not true .Portuguese and Spanish are mutually intelligible in written form,less-in spoken form,but Italian is quite different language. We then ran a guessing game to see which words and phrases were mutually intelligible… or not! What do you think? For example, where Spanish has a single vowel /o/, Portuguese has three: /o/ as in avô “grandfather” (this is closest to Spanish /o/), /ɔ/ as in avó “grandmother” (similar to the au of caught), and nasal /õ/ as in onda “wave” (the n is not pronounced). Watch me test my Spanish-speaking friends to see if they can understand Portuguese too! Spanish and Portuguese are not the same language. I speak Spanish, and I began to get Portuguese on the fourth day in Lisbon, and Italian on the second day in Rome. The 2 languages have a high proportion of cognates, which are words that have the same roots and correspond to each other. It is also spoken in neighbouring areas of Asturias and Castile and León. A person from Portugal cannot communicate with a person from Mexico without the help of an interpreter. Edward W. Goodson. This is how we can make a language mutually intelligible with all of these languages. This can also lead to “mutual intelligibility,” which occurs when a speaker of one language can understand a speaker of another language with little effort. . Answer (1 of 13): How mutually intelligible are Italian and French? Mutually intelligible languages? The variants of Portuguese spoken in the ‘new’ and ‘old’ worlds are excellent examples of this. province of Misiones. January 27, 2013 In summary, Catalan is a language (not a dialect) that is closely related to other well-known Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, but it is not mutually intelligible with any of them. In Finnish you would be body number 13 or dead body number 13. It is a measure of mutual intelligibility when one language’s speakers are able to understand a related language to some extent. Catalan is harder. Both languages are closely related in terms of structural features, e.g. Ranging from a low of 5% (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian), slightly higher for French thanks to William, and a bit higher still for germanic languages (maybe 15%) Dutch is the highest at about 20%, like English with a bad German accent, but not mutually intelligible enough … European portuguese speaker here: Yes and no. Are these Romance languages mutually intelligible? Official languages such as Spanish and Quechuan in Peru or English and Pilipino in the Philippines reflect _____. I'm wondering what languages are mutually intelligible. Again sound plays a huge role and though Spanish and Portuguese share more vocabulary than Itailian the sound of the words don’t vary as much from Spanish to Itailian. Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian. It is also a Romance language but it differs from other Spanish languages in that it’s mutually intelligible with Portuguese. Obviously, scientific studies were ranked first in the form of evidence. 30.1.4 Mutual Intelligibility At the level of educated speech, all varieties of Spanish are highly mutually intelligible. French isn’t mutually intelligible with any of them, though. What is called "Modern Standard Arabic", which is the language of newspapers, books, and television broadcasts, that is intelligible and standardized and that form is typically what you'll find taught in western schools. This official language of Galicia is a Portuguese-influenced language in the northwestern part of Spain. English and German are definitely not mutually intelligible (hochdeutsch being harder than platdeutsch) and really the cultural values of the time were rather different. Yes they are pretty much mutually intelligible but only to a certain extent, aka a very basic conversation. They’re different languages for a reaso... It is also spoken in neighbouring areas of Asturias and Castile and León. The short answer is no. So while neither Italian or Portuguese are 100% mutually intelligible with Spanish, you can get quite a good idea of the written languages without ever having studied them, and can understand the spoken languages to an extent, particularly when the … ... Danish and Swedish are the most mutually comprehensible, but German and Dutch are also mutually intelligible. English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, would all understand it to some extent. As for Romance languages, learning Spanish helped me immensely with understanding written Italian, French, Portuguese and especially Catalan. This means that both languages have words that are found in equivalent forms. However, of all the Romance languages, Spanish is the closest to Portuguese. It’s the same with the Spanish spoken in Spain and that spoken in Latin America. Answer (1 of 13): How mutually intelligible are Italian and French? From an Italian’s point of view, Catalan and Occitan are the easiest to understand. I wouldn't say that any of them are truly mutually intelligible in written or spoken form though. However, varieties at one extreme of the continuum will not be mutually intelligible with varieties at the other end, possibly hundreds of kilometers away. Galician and Portuguese continue to be rather more mutually intelligible than Portuguese and Spanish as a result of Portuguese’s evolution from the Galician Vulgar Latin dialects; indeed, most linguists agree that Galician and Portuguese form a sort of continuum of intelligibility. 6 Share In the bustling metropolis of Barcelona, the languages live side by side as co-official languages. I speak English and Spanish fluently, and can get by a little in Portuguese, Italian, and to a much lesser extent French. As far as reading, I know that reading a … Portuguese and Spanish go hand in hand. However, when speaking slowly, Spanish speakers may be able to understand (Brazilian) Portuguese...ish. French and Spanish more like 45% but the written forms of French and Spanish are easier for speakers of either language to figure out. This can sometimes cause funny and embarrassing situations. The differences are similar to those within the Romance languages, with variation particularly strong in the more rugged southeast. Portuguese also has co‐official status in Macau and Equatorial Guinea. Can Italian and Brazilian Portuguese speakers understand Mexican Spanish? The Portuguese people are not considered Hispanic; rather they are a distinct ethnic group descended from pre-Celtic and proto-Celtic cultures that moved into the Spanish peninsula several thousand years after the first Iberian people arrived. Later influences would include Roman, Germanic and even Arabic and Syrian cultural groups. Here, it’s unlikely you’ll find anyone who speaks only Catalan and it’s common to see two people conversing with one speaking Spanish and the other Catalan, with no problems of comprehension. Here is what one Mexican redditor says about it: Yo digo que sí sería súper difícil. Yet, Italian and Spanish can be mutually intelligible if each speaker makes an effort. The Portuguese language is one of the best starting points for laying the foundation if you’re aiming at learning other Romance languages. Itailian is closer to French and Spanish is closer to Portuguese but sound plays a huge role as to why Italian and spanish are more mutually intelligible. Spanish, Galician and Portuguese. Mutually Intelligible Languages | Antimoon Forum San Ramon, California. Comment if YOU can understand as well! So I would say no, they are not mutually intelligible. The Romance languages are a group of languages within the Indo-European language family which share a common origin in the now extinct Latin language. A 1949 study by Italian-American linguist Mario Pei, analyzing the degree of difference from a language's parent (Latin, in the case of Romance languages) … Source: Google images. They're still mutually intelligible languages. As an Iberian Romance language, Portuguese is a close relative of the Spanish language. Portuguese and Spanish, although closely related Romance languages, differ in many aspects of their phonology, grammar and lexicon. < Side Effects Of Norethisterone 5mg, Present Imperative French, Auction Near Seine-et-marne, Lykke Li Unchained Melody Album, Brighton V Liverpool 2021, Crown Jewelers Customer Service, German Umbrella Manufacturers,